As most of us use social media to interact with friends and follow our favorite sports players or entertainers, college coaches are using social media to check on potential recruits. What certain high school players are choosing to post on social media is hurting their chances of playing collegiality.
One tweet could put you in a pile of “No Longer Interested.” Be conscious on what you post on you social media accounts, because college coaches are now paying attention. Your social media accounts give coaches more insight into the type of person you are and whether or not they want to invest in you long-term at their university.
Below are a couple of bullet points for things you should NOT do on your social media accounts:
- Do not insert yourself in controversial conversations or engage in arguments.
- Do not post inappropriate pictures or use inappropriate language in tweets or posts — including retweets.
- Do not trash a teacher or coach.
- Do not post while emotions are running high.
- Do not speak poorly about your teammates, other schools, or the students at either.
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